Unicam Retroflex Comfort Crank

The NEW way to cycle in Comfort and Safety

Why risk a fall with your seat up tall, when you can pedal like a pro with your seat down low

Unicam Retroflex Comfort Crank
Unicam Retroflex Comfort Crank

Low seat position for safe stopping, starting, mount & dismount

Excessive knee bend with standard cranks

Normal knee bend with Unicam Retroflex Comfort Cranks

Unicam Retroflex Comfort Cranks (Both sides)

  • Low seat height
  • Safe stop -start
  • Easy mount & dismount
  • Comfortable and efficient pedalling geometry
  • Interchangeable with our RX3 system
  • Fits Any Bike, E Bike or Exercise Bike
  • Suitable for 90+ degrees knee bend

Free worldwide delivery

Unicam Retroflex Comfort Crank fitted to bicycle

Which Retroflex is suitable for me?

Knee bend under 60 degrees

Retroflex RX2 or RX3 + Extender

Knee bend over 60 degrees

Retroflex RX2 or RX3

Recreational trails and road

Retroflex RX2, RX3 or Comfort cranks

Rehab following surgery

Retroflex RX2 (Exercise Bike or Static Trainer)

Sport Road

Retroflex RX3 or Custom cranks

MTB off road

Retroflex RX3 or Custom crank.
(Retroflex RX3 is not suitable for jumps or stunts)


Retroflex RX2, RX3 or Comfort cranks


Please call us on +44(0)1460 353077, email us or use the Contact form to discuss your requirements