Unicam Retroflex Custom Crank Service

Unicam Retroflex Custom Crank Service

 Unicam Retroflex Custom made cycle cranks

Maximise your cycling potential with a custom made crank to suit your specific requirements.

Use our 25 years of experience to maximise your performance.

  • Free Consultation
  • All of our systems are designed and manufactured in the UK.
  • Award Winning Design

Price On Application. Please use the form below to contact us about your custom crank requirements

    Unicam Retroflex Custom Crank Service

    Which Retroflex is suitable for me?

    Knee bend under 60 degrees

    Retroflex RX2 or RX3 + Extender

    Knee bend over 60 degrees

    Retroflex RX2 or RX3

    Recreational trails and road

    Retroflex RX2, RX3 or Comfort cranks

    Rehab following surgery

    Retroflex RX2 (Exercise Bike or Static Trainer)

    Sport Road

    Retroflex RX3 or Custom cranks

    MTB off road

    Retroflex RX3 or Custom crank.
    (Retroflex RX3 is not suitable for jumps or stunts)


    Retroflex RX2, RX3 or Comfort cranks


    Please call us on +44(0)1460 353077, email us or use the Contact form to discuss your requirements